Worrying. Does it get you anywhere?

Worrying. Does it get you anywhere?

Do you feel you are always worrying and having anxious thoughts? Are you feeling restless and struggling to sleep at night because of these thoughts?  Rumination and negative thoughts can be so persistent in the middle of the night and can keep us awake no matter how...


Hi, I’m Mandy and I live in Shrewsbury. I am a fully accredited Clinical Hypnotherapist, specialising in solution focused techniques. My aim and passion in life is to help people be the very best version of themselves. Are you struggling with anxiety and stress?...
Can hypnotherapy help with stress?  Yes it can!

Can hypnotherapy help with stress? Yes it can!

What is stress? Stress is when our body is responding to pressures of life. Overwhelm, feeling threatened, loss of control and even when experiencing something that is new to us, something unfamiliar. Sometimes we can feel stressed by the thoughts we think, imagining...
Hypnotherapy for anxiety

Hypnotherapy for anxiety

Uncertainty is an inevitable part of life and when we are hit with a pandemic like the last couple of years, many people have found themselves struggling to deal with it all, exacerbating their anxiety symptoms. Most of us are also having to come to terms with...
Time for a change

Time for a change

Just for a change, I thought I’d talk about change again! Because as we all know, it is certainly a constant within our lives. But actually, so is the fear of change.  There is a part of our brain that doesn’t like change, our primitive brain. This brain is always on...